Evidence-Based Practices Skills Booster Course

Course Summary:
This course is designed to reinforce the skills and knowledge base gained in the Evidence-Based Practices Overview Course. In this 8 hour Skills Booster, participants will be coached and tested on their skill level and learn techniques to help them strengthen their abilities to optimize their effectiveness with offenders on their caseload.
Performance Objectives
a) Describe and implement the principles of Motivational Interviewing and explain the importance of each.
b) Demonstrate how the ""Stages of Change"" model is incorporated into Motivational Interviewing.
c) Demonstrate skills to effect compliance and ""buy-in"" from offenders.
d)Describe the basis for and components of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy-CBT.
e) Implement Cognitive Behavioral interventions applied to their own cases
f) Demonstrate knowledge of the major co-occurring disorders of incarcerated offenders and how to use EBP Skills with them.
g) Demonstrate knowledge of and reasons for utilizing a 12-step approach with offenders.

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