Addictive Disorders-How People get Addicted and What Treatment Methods Work
Cert #4561-042957


This is a broad, informative course covering the major addictive disorders in the United States. These include: Alcohol; Major drugs of dependence (Crystal methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, pharmaceutical pills, etc.); Nicotine; Food; Sex; The Internet; Pornography; Gambling; Work.

A close look is taken at the action in the brain that creates the pattern of craving and compulsivity that results in addiction. Susceptibility of certain persons to addictive behaviors is examined and how this relates to offenders. Legal ramifications of addictive behaviors are examined and roadblocks to abstinence are explored. Up to the minute research on new and effective pharmacological treatments are discussed. Different treatment modalities effective for the various, specific addictive disorders are outlined and appropriateness is evaluated.


Women, Addiction and Co-occurring Disorders
Cert #4561-042956

Women are a rapidly increasing presence in the justice system. Women offenders present multiple problems: mental illness, substance abuse disorders, child-rearing, parenting and custodial difficulties, health problems, histories of violence, sexual abuse and trauma.
Among women entering jails, 12.2% are diagnosed with serious mental illnesses. This is almost double the rate of males at intake. 72% present a co-occurring substance use disorder. Many women in jail have been victims. A staggering 33% are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. In a 2001 jail survey, 48% of women reported a history of physical or sexual abuse and 27% reported rape. Women with co-occurring disorders may have major depression, bipolar disorder, or PTSD, in addition to their addiction to one or more drugs. Some may have psychotic disorders as well. All these problems present special challenges for women involved with the justice system as well as for probation staff. This course examines the triangle of addiction, mental illness and trauma in women. The connection between early violence and trauma and later vulnerability to violence, including domestic violence will be examined. Interventions and effective treatments for women with these issues are discussed including “Seeking Safety” and TREM- Trauma Recovery Empowerment Model. Case studies are used to facilitate learning. Important skills and strategies will also be demonstrated and practiced.


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