Dealing with Aggression and Violence in the Population you serve
Course Summary:
Managing aggressive and violent behavior has become an essential skill pertinent to all staff working in corrections and probation. This dynamic and informative course is divided into two sections. In the first, participants gain knowledge about the origins of violence in the offenders in their charge. Starting from adolescence, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder and antisocial personality disorder are defined and well known cases (Columbine, the Menedez Brothers, and others) are used to illustrate the trajectory to violence. Culture (including gang culture) and its role in violent behavior are also examined. In the second half of the course, participants learn about the stages of the assault cycle and how to anticipate and respond when inmates are triggered and begin to escalate. Verbal and non-verbal responses by staff as well as physical non-violent crisis responses are covered. Participants use hypothetical incidents specific to their department to practice their skills.
Performance Objectives