The Aftermath of War: Veterans, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and the Law

Cert # 4561-042171

This course is the first of its kind in probation training!


Each day, more soldiers are returning from the battlefields of Afghanistan as well as Iraq with serious chronic, physical, mental and emotional issues. Upon return, a large proportion of these soldiers find it difficult, if not impossible, to assimilate back into society and family life to live the lives they once did, before their exposure to the ravages of war.


As returning troops make their way home stateside, incidents of inward (suicide) and outward (assault, domestic violence, murder) violence are increasingly occurring. These veterans, in turn, are increasingly showing up on the in the jails and on the caseloads of probation officers. This situation is only going to grow in the next several years. Using up to the minute research and case studies, this dynamic and informative course examines the reasons behind this behavior and what both in-custody staff and probation officers need to know.

In this course, participants gain comprehensive understanding of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as it shows up in war veterans. Traumatic Brain Injury and its behavioral effects will be examined as well. Most importantly, participants will learn about what triggers the symptoms for these veterans, what makes them act out irrationally and/or violently. Effective interventions, solutions and treatment issues will be examined. Resources will be provided for participants.


This course is taught by a psychologist specializing in PTSD and addictive disorders, Dr. Sally Broder.

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