Law enforcement agencies across the country deal with similar issues: retirement of key executive, management and supervisory personnel in a competitive hiring environment as well as training, promoting and retaining qualified individuals for these positions. Succession planning is something that ideally should be done at least 5 years out, but for many law enforcement agencies mass retirements have occurred and such planning has not been possible. Law enforcement agencies are in competition with each other for the same people, and with the number of applicants interested and able to pass background, the number of employees coming in is not keeping up with those leaving. Training to prepare individuals for management and executive positions is not in place to broaden their scope of abilities and to take a more global perspective. This course is designed to help your department put a strategic plan in place for the succession of executive and management tier staff.
Performance Objectives
  1. Design a strategic succession plan for the upper level management and executive staff, sworn and non-sworn.
  2. Plan ahead for the ideal 5-year time frame while having a template for decisions that must be made in the immediate term due to unforeseen circumstances.
  3.  Implement the skills needed for “change management” so if an unexpected mass retirement occurs, the challenge can be embraced as an opportunity and handled in the most effective way possible.
  4.  Create training for their specific departments’ needs to develop leaders who can move into management and executive positions-sworn and non-sworn. 
  5. Strategize a retention plan to ensure that you keep the staff you hire and promote to management and upper management levels-sworn and non-sworn.

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