The following comments are from  
Chiron Concepts attendees from all over California

Dealing with the Mentally Ill in the Population you Serve: 
"This course was excellent. The content (sorely needed), but also the way it was presented made it something I can really use on my job."
"We have so many inmates with mental health issues these days, this course taught me how to deal with them..." 

Evidence-Based Techniques- Motivational Interviewing
: "These are really great techniques that are relevant and applicable to my daily job."    "The instructor's real-life examples and one on one help made this class really good."
   "The instructor's knowledge of the workings of the probation department was great!" 
"The best STC course I have been to." "This course had my attention from the beginning of class to the end..."

What is Dual Diagnosis Really?: "This course was excellent. Everyone in law enforcement should have to take this course every few years so you don't get callous dealing with people with substance abuse and mental health problems."
"I recommend this class to law enforcement personnel in order to understand the types of individuals we have locked up today."

Transforming Stress:
"This class should be a required class for all county employees and law enforcement personnel...I learned how to refocus my own thinking patterns that stress me out!" "I ususally dread these trainings. This is the best STC training I have been to in 9 years. My perspective has been changed. I can take the info on health, workouts, meditation and stress and use these in my life. Thanks Dr. Broder!"

Dealing with Aggression and Violence in the Population
you Serve:

 "Sally's material was new 
with recent incidents which made it relevant
 for the class.. Great class! Thanks."
This class needs to be offered to probation officers as well as institutions staff. Probation officers need to know where anger and violence stem from in order to be more effective on the job." "This would be helpful for all GS's and DPO's."

Trauma-informed Client Management:

 "The topic and all information given was very relevant to my job. This is the first class I have had that provided me with this valuable mental health info...Wonderful class."

What they say about the trainer:

"Dr. Broder has great experience and knowledge and conveys it well. High energy! She gets good participation from the class."
"Excellent instruction from a highly qualified instructor!"

"The instructor was able to field powerful questions and still convey her intended message, keeping control of the class...Fantastic teaching style! Professional and entertaining."


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