Dysfunctional Family Aftermath

Course Summary:
What is it like to grow up in a dysfunctional family? What are the short ad long term effects? Probation officers can be better prepared to deal with juveniles and adults if they understand the forms a dysfunctional family can take. Domestic Violence, Physical, Sexual and Emotional abuse of children as well as incest are discussed in this detailed class. Family roles, the alcoholic/addict family constellation and intergenerational effects of a dysfunctional family, including ongoing substance abuse, are discussed. Through film case studies, participants will learn the characteristics of abusers and victims and what has to happen to change these cycles. The role of the probation officer in relation to their job duties are outlined and helpful tips and resources are provided.
Performance Objectives
1)Describe the dynamics of dysfunctional families.
2) Identify the effects of domestic violence, Physical, sexual and emotional abuse on children and how they lead kids into lives of crime and substance abuse.
3) Explain to another how dysfunctional families push kids into joining gangs.
4) Discuss the intergenerational transmission of trauma effects and patterns.
5)Identify the characteristics of abusers and victims
6) Explain the role of the Probation officer in relation to their job duties.
7) Utilize resources provided in class

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